Thursday, May 15, 2014

The New Jorb.

So, I recently got a new job with Dark Horse Comics as a Sales Executive. I start in about 2 weeks. In about two weeks I'll be an executive. I'll soon get to take part in a select level of services including executive suites, executive seating, executive wings, executive branches, executive producers and so on.

This is my first non-retail job ever. I'm excited about this new position. I've done a lot to get it, including moving from Georgia to Oregon with my wife last summer. I've applied, interviewed, and been rejected for other jobs many, many times in the past three years. It was just as hard as all of the career and job books indicated it would be.

However, a part of me is sad to be leaving the retail grind. For the past two years I've worked for Blick Art Materials in their Design Center. I've framed more paintings of beach chairs than I'd like to recall. 

But I've also got to frame some cool things like a Paul Pope original comics page.

And this!

Sure, the "artistic" customer base kept things very colorful. I was humbled several times by unhappy, selfish, and entitled customers. I won't miss any of that. 

But the people that I worked with and spent time with on lunch breaks or after-hour house parties were some of the best, hard-working, caring people that I have ever met. I learned a lot while working along side people from all walks of life. I learned that I wanted to get out of retail asap. I learned that I wasn't alone. I learned that I could depend on them and, more importantly, that they could depend on me. 

 I also learned how to manage time, stress, expectations, and ego. These things were allowed to run free in my life before retail. Art college really blew my ego and expectations up to a level from which I'm still recovering. Working retail was a HUGE reality check. I think everyone should seek to work retail at some point. 

Anyways, looking forward, I think this new job at Dark Horse is a great opportunity to get into publishing. So far everybody I have talked to about this job has been super positive and helpful. I can't wait to start.

I don't do many text heavy posts like this, but I might start. I'll add more of my own illustrations in the future, I promise.

News 05/14

Soooo, I have a new Regular Show back-up story (Bath Mat) that came out last week in Issue 12. Apparently, the Cover D RS Issue 12 got printed with Bravest Warriors on the inside. I don’t know if they were shipped to the stores, but if you have one, i imagine it’s quite the find.
The story was illustrated by the talented Carey Pietsch. You should check her stuff out here:

She has posted the entire story on her tumblr for your convenience, buuuut you should go grab a copy anyways. PLUS it’s Free Comic Book Day today.
Also, I’ve updated my website with some new artwork. Check it out here:
Also, I’ve uploaded a butt-ton of links on the links page.